3D and Cameras in Motion
Learn how to make visually stunning Motion projects with 3D tools such as cameras, lights, reflections, and shadows.
Welcome to my "3D and Cameras in Motion" course!
This tutorial contains 30 videos, totaling 3 hours and 14 minutes of training.
It goes in-depth into the 3D capabilities of Motion (including a lot about animating cameras).
Along the way, we'll cover:
Also, the sample project we create in this course is similar to a possible opening for a video series. If you've been wanting to create an intro for your videos, this course should help.
If you've enjoyed my training in the past, I think you'll really love this course.
Please note that this course assumes you have a basic understanding of Motion. If you're not familiar with Motion at all, you might want to check out my Basic Motion Course first.
Q: How long will you have access the course?
A: It does not expire. As long as this site is up (hopefully for a long time in the future), you'll have access. Also, the videos are downloadable, so you can download them and save them on your computer indefinitely if you want.
Q: What version of Motion did you use in the videos?
A: I recorded the videos using Motion 5.2.2 (the version as of October 2015), but if you have any recent version (since version 5), the videos will still apply. You might find small changes here and there, but the basics of using Motion haven't changed that much. When new versions come out in the future, if the differences are big enough, I'll likely record supplementary videos or possibly record the whole course again.
Izzy Hyman
1. Welcome
2. Setting Up
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3. 3D Transform
4. Using the HUD for 3D Transformations
5. Adding a Camera
6. The Camera Pop-Up Menu
7. The 3D Compass
8. Viewport Layouts
9. Isolate and Mask
10. Adding a Replicator
11. Adding Lights to the Scene
12. Ambient Lights
13. Spot Light
14. Shadows
15. Directional Lights
16. Reflections
17. Music and Color
18. Duplicating Scenes
19. Cutting to Different Camera Angles
20. Camera Behaviors
21. Camera Framing Behavior
22. Onscreen Controls for Framing Behavior
23. Using Keyframes to Animate the Camera
24. Animating the Camera with Continuous Movement
25. Walk 3D View Tool
26. Camera Controls in the Inspector
27. Depth of Field
28. 2D Group for Foreground Elements
29. 3D Text
30. Exporting and Conclusion